Basic changes
open lib/utils/constants.dart
baseUrl - This is the URL of the server where the mobile app makes API calls.
primaryColor - This is the primary color of the mobile app. You can edit this by changing the value of the const Color function to a different hexadecimal color code.
secondaryColor - This is the secondary color of the mobile app. You can edit this by changing the value of the const Color function to a different hexadecimal color code.
currency - This is the currency symbol used in the mobile app.
paymentGateways - This is the list of payment gateways supported by the mobile app.
appName - This is the name of the mobile app.
purchaseCode - This is the unique code that you need to purchase from codecanyon.
screenProtectOn - This is a boolean value that determines whether screen protection is enabled or not.
supportedFileTypes - This is the list of supported file types that can be uploaded in the mobile app.
resourcesSection - This is the list of sections in the resources tab of the mobile app.