payment gateways
open lib/utils/constants.dart
check out this tutorial for complete details to get client api key and secret:
just change the below details in the constants.dart file:
paypalClientId - Your paypal client ID that you can get from dashboard
paypalSecret - Your paypal client secret that you can get from dashboard
returnURL - Any link which will be cached after user successful payment, recommended to be your website url
cancelURL - Any link which will be cached after user cancelled payment, recommended to be your website url
paypalTransactionDescription - Payment description that will be shown on your dashboard
paypalNotePayer - Text that will be shown to buyer
check out this tutorial for complete details to get publishable key and secret key:
stripePublishableKey - Your Stripe Publishable Key
stripeSecretKey - Your Stripe Secret Key
stripeCurrency - Currency code as per
stripemerchantCountryCode - Your country code as per
stripemerchantDisplayName - Name that will be displayed during payment
receiverUpiId - UPI ID of the receiver
receiverName - Name of the receiver as per the UPI platform
just change the below in the constants.dart file:
razorPayApiKey - RazorPay Api Key that you got from it's website.